Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG 7-33
Instruction Manual
Maintenance & Procedures Calibrations Initialized by Digital Inputs
7.4.4 Remote Calibration
As already mentioned, the analyzer must eit-
her provide internal valves or external valves
(connected to its digital outputs), to make use
of this feature.
Chapter 4 for information about electri-
cal data and installation of digital inputs and
Digital inputs are edged triggered whereat the
type of edge (rising or falling) can be setup
via software menu (
An edge is detected within a time slot of 300
to 500 ms after the edge is applied. To be
accepted as an input signal,
• no change in signal is permitted for a mi-
nimum duration of 500 ms after the edge
has been applied, otherwise it is rejected.
Furthermore take care
• calibrations can only be canceled by an
approriate digital input signal or command,
but not by another calibration trigger signal
• while a calibration is ongoing, any valve
can only be activated if it is not used by this
calibration procedure, and not assigned to
a channel currently calibrated.
• input signals, intended to start another
procedure, must be applied complying to
the following condition:
• if this next procedure affects components
already in use for the ongoing procedure,
the edge detection time slot must start
after the ongoing procedure has ended
For example, during an ongoing zero ca-
libration, an input signal to start a span
calibration for the same channel should
be applied after the zero calibration has
nished. At least it must be applied in a
way, that the 300 to 500 ms edge detection
time slot starts after the zero calibration has
ended (see g. 7-7, signal D), otherwise it
is rejected (signal B)..