
Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG7-32
Instruction Manual
7.4.4 Remote Calibration
Remote calibrations may be initialized by di-
gital inputs or Modbus commands, whereas
both offer different functionalities:
Remote calibration via digital inputs (option)
is feasible only in combination with internal or
external valves and is limited to 3 procedures,
to be assigned to any digital input:
Zero calibrate all channels (Zero all),
span calibrate all channels (SpanAll) and
zero & span calibrate all channels (Zero &
span all).
By activating span calibrations, it is the ope-
rators responsibility to not perform a span ca-
libration without a preceding zero calibration!
The Modbus interface offers more variability
in performing calibrations:
Calibration without valves:
The Modbus command initializes the pro-
cedure within the analyzer, but the operator
has to take care that the gases are supplied
in proper order, has to consider purge times
as well as the condition to not perform a
span calibration without a preceding zero
calibration. So, in this conguration Modbus
may be used e.g. together with an external
sample handling system that controls the
gas ow.
Calibration with valves:
Installed and assigned valves ( 7-10)
support two different variations of how to
perform calibrations:
1. Perform single calibrations
The Modbus command initializes single
procedures (zero or span calibrations).
The analyzers controls gas supply and
purge times while it is the operators re-
sponsibility to not activate a span calibra-
tion without a preceding zero calibration!
2. Special calibration procedures:
• Zero calibrate all channels
• Span calibrate all channels
• Zero & span calibrate all channels.
Initialized by the Modbus command the
analyzer performs above mentioned pro-
cedures and controls gas supply, purge
times and (for the last given procedure
only) performs a zero calibration for all
channels before activating span cali-
For detailled descriptions on how to perform
calibrations initialized via digital inputs 7-33
calibrations initialized via Modbus, without valves 7-35
calibrations initialized via Modbus, with valves 7-35
7.4.4 Remote Calibration