
Reference Manual
IP2030/RM, Rev AA
Section 1: Introduction
June 2014
Section 1: Introduction2
1.2 Manual overview
This manual provides installation, configuration and maintenance information for the
Mobrey MCU900 Series control unit.
Section 2: Control Unit Overview
Section 3: Installation
Section 4: Getting started
Section 5: Servicing and Health Checking
Appendix A: Reference Data
Appendix B: Product Certifications
Appendix C: Menus and Parameters
Appendix D: Additional Features
Appendix E: Support for HART® Transmitters
1.3 Control unit versions and software releases
The following control unit versions are covered in this product manual:
Mobrey MCU901 Standard Control Unit
Mobrey MCU902 Differential Control Unit
Mobrey MCU90F Logging Control Unit
The software release covered in this product manual is issue 4.00.00 (and above).
1.4 Customer support
For the latest customer support information, visit the Mobrey brand pages at
www.emersonprocess.com, and then click on the Mobrey Service or Product Support
quick links.
1.5 Product recycling/disposal
Recycling of equipment and packaging should be taken into consideration. The product and
packaging should be disposed of in accordance with local and national legislation.