Reference Manual
IP2030/RM, Rev AA
Section 4: Getting started
June 2014
Section 4: Getting started
Relay 3 (RL3)
If relay RL3 mode (P430) is Set Point:
relay RL3 is energized at P431 (on point) and de-energized at P432 (off point)
Relay 4 (RL4)
If relay RL4 mode (P440) is Set Point:
relay RL4 is energized at P441 (on point) and de-energized at P442 (off point)
In a basic emptying application, the On Point (e.g. P411) is programmed to be greater than the
Off Point (e.g. P412). The Set Point relay energizes when the control unit PV value (D800)
exceeds the On Point and de-energizes when the PV value drops below the Off Point.
In a basic filling application, the On Point (e.g. P411) is programmed to be less than the
Off point (e.g. P412). The Set Point relay energizes when the control unit PV value (D800)
falls below the On point and de-energizes when the PV value rises above the Off Point.
There are set point relays modes for the control unit SV value (D801), TV value (D802) and
FV value (D803). For details of these D80* parameters, see “Optional change: transmitter input
channel settings (advanced users)” on page 43.
Relay safeguard options
P413 RL1 Min On (Factory default: 0:00 m:s)
Defines the minimum time (minutes and seconds) that relay RL1 will stay energized before
de-energising. This is an optional override (safeguard) to allow sufficient time for connected
equipment to respond.
P414 RL1 Max On Factory default: 0:00 m:s)
Defines the maximum time (minutes and seconds) that relay RL1 will stay energized before
de-energising. This is an optional override (safeguard) to prevent overuse of connected
P415 RL1 Min Off (Factory default: 0:00 m:s)
Defines the minimum time (minutes and seconds) that relay RL1 will stay de-energized before
energising. This is an optional override (safeguard) to avoid overuse of connected equipment.
P423 to P425 are the equivalents for relay RL2.
P433 to P435 are the equivalents for relay RL3.
P443 to P445 are the equivalents for relay RL4.
P453 to P455 are the equivalents for relay RL5.
Other relay modes
Table 4-4 on page 72 is a list of all relay modes. Relay modes automatically enable and disable
special control functions, special alarms and pumped volume totalizing as shown in Table 4-5 on
page 73. Descriptions of relay modes and the auxiliary functions follow Tab le 4 -5 .