Reference Manual
IP2030/RM, Rev AA
Section 4: Getting started
June 2014
Section 4: Getting started
4.2.1 Switching on with one new HART transmitter connected
After applying power, the control unit first displays the control unit version e.g. MCU901 and the
software version. It then automatically searches for a HART transmitter.
Figure 4-2. Searching for a HART transmitter after applying power
A HART transmitter with the factory default polling address of 0 is found after 15 seconds.
When found by the controller, it is designated “Tx1” (Transmitter 1) and assigned to Channel 1.
However, if the polling address is in the range 1 to 15, a prompt appears allowing the polling
address and the tag name to be changed. This is optional, and pressing the red (ENTER) button
continues the start-up process.
At this time, the control unit reads parameters from the HART transmitter and makes them
available for local interrogation and programming within the menu system of the control unit.
When an un-configured Mobrey MSP Series Level Transmitter is being used for the first time, a
prompt appears asking for the Transmitter Bottom Reference (Figure 4-3). This value is used
to automatically set-up the 4–20 mA output span of the transmitter over this range.
If the system is not to be commissioned at this time, simply switch off the power and the same
prompt re-appears when switching on the power next time. The Transmitter Bottom Reference
can be changed later, but it is better to get it correct now.
If commissioning the system now, edit and save a new Transmitter Bottom Reference or
keep (save) the existing Transmitter Bottom Reference (Figure 4-3).
If the Re-connecting to Digital Transmitter message does not appear, check that the
operating mode of the control unit is set to Run App mode (see page 38) and that the
Input Channel Source is set for a digital HART input (see page 48 or page 50)
After the start-up process is complete, the display appears showing a measurement e.g. liquid
level or the menu system. The value on the display is the Primary / Process Variable (PV) of the
control unit, but this can be changed (see “Display configuration options” on page 102).
Whenever power is lost and restored, the control unit re-establishes digital communications
with the HART transmitter and the PV display re-appears.
Re-connecting to
Digital Transmitter
Please Wait
Re-connecting to
Digital Transmitter
Please Wait
Re-connecting to
Digital Transmitter
Please Wait
(start of search)
(after 3 seconds)
(after 15 seconds)