Installation and Use Manual 49
Initial Transmitter Startup Procedures
ProLink II Setup Transmitter StartupUsing ProLink IIBefore You Begin ProLink II Setup Transmitter StartupUsing ProLink IIBefore You Begin ProLink II Setup Transmitter StartupUsing ProLink IIBefore You Begin ProLink II Setup Transmitter StartupUsing ProLink IIBefore You Begin
2. Open the ProLink menu.
3. Click the
Calibration option. The calibration options for the currently connected transmitter
are displayed (see Figure 4-3).
4. Select
Zero Calibration. The following screen is displayed:
Figure 4-6 Zero calibration screen
5. Type a new zero time in the
Zero Time box or accept the default value.
6. If the convergence limit parameter is displayed, type a new convergence limit in the
box or accept the default value.
7. Click
Perform Auto Zero. The meter will begin zeroing. The Calibration in Progress status
light will turn red.
If fluid is flowing through the sensor, the sensor zero calibration may be
inaccurate, resulting in inaccurate process measurement.
To improve the sensor zero calibration and measurement accuracy, ensure that
process flow through the sensor has completely stopped.