72 ProLink
II Software for Micro Motion
Meter Verification
The test takes approximately four minutes to complete. During the test:
• The indicator at the bottom of the panel turns yellow and the monitor bar shows the progress of
the meter verification procedure.
• If a problem occurs during the test, the test will be aborted. The indicator will turn red and a
popup window will indicate why the test could not be completed. Correct the problem before
restarting the test.
• If you need to stop the procedure before the end of the test, click
Abort Meter Verification.
The test will stop immediately, and all the data collected for this test will be discarded.
At the end of the test, a dialog box describing the result of the test will appear:
• Meter passed verification—The test result is within the range defined by the current
Specification Uncertainty Limit parameter. If transmitter zero and configuration match factory
values, the sensor will meet factory specifications for flow and density measurement. It is
expected that the meter will pass meter verification every time the test is run. Click
OK to close
the popup window, then click
Next to go to the next panel.
• Meter failed verification—The test result is not within the range defined by the current
Specification Uncertainty Limit parameter.
- Micro Motion recommends that you immediately re-run the meter verification test. To do
so, click
Yes to close the dialog box and automatically start a new test. If the meter passes
the second test, the first Fail result can be ignored. If the meter fails the second test, the
flow tubes may be damaged. Use the knowledge of your process to consider the type of
damage and determine the appropriate action. These actions might include removing the
meter from service and physically inspecting the tubes. At minimum, you should perform
a flow validation and a density calibration. For more information on these procedures,
refer to the transmitter manual.
- If you don’t want to re-run the test, click
No to close the dialog box, then click Next to go
to the next panel.
Meter Verification Counter displays the total number of meter verification tests that have been
performed on this transmitter.
• The counter is incremented each time a meter verification test is completed, whether the test
passed of failed.
• The counter will not be incremented if the test is aborted, either automatically or by the user.
Note: Because this counter resides in the transmitter memory and not in the ProLink II meter
verification test database, it will also be incremented when a meter verification test is run from the
meter display or from another computer. Therefore, if meter verification tests have been conducted
from the display or from another computer, the number of tests displayed here will be different from
the number of tests displayed in the graph in the test results panel.
Transmitter outputs and process values reported through digital
communication will remain fixed at either the configured fault levels or the
last measured value for the duration of the test.
To ensure the safety of your process:
• Disable all control loops for the duration of the procedure.
• Ensure that any data reported during this period is handled appropriately.