Installation and Use Manual 91
Configuring the Discrete Batch Application
Index Discrete Batch Index Discrete Batch Index Discrete Batch Index Discrete Batch
Reset on start No • If set to Yes, the batch totalizer resets when the operator starts the batch.
• If set to No, the operator must reset the batch before starting a new batch.
Several methods are available for resetting the batch. See Section B.3.4.
• If the custody transter application is installed, Reset on start is set to No and
cannot be changed.
Enable end
No • Select Yes to enable the end warning.
• When end warning is enabled and an end warning value has been entered for
the selected preset, a discrete output can be configured to indicate the end
• End warning is a status indicator only, and does not affect valve operation.
• End warning will remain active until batch completion.
Enable overrun No • Select Yes to enable overrun indication.
• When overrun is enabled and an overrun value has been entered for the
selected preset, the batch controller produces an overrun alarm when the
batch total exceeds the target by more than the programmed overrun amount.
• Overrun can be assigned to a discrete output, using the Discrete IO panel in
the ProLink II Configuration window.
Ignore source
No A source alarm is any fault-level alarm. If Ignore source alarms:
• Is set to Yes, the batch will not stop for the duration of the alarm timeout.
• Is set to No, the batch is stopped as soon as the alarm condition occurs.
If the custody transter application is installed, Ignore source alarms is set to No
and cannot be changed.
No-flow timeout 10.00000 Sec • The time out period specifies how long the batch controller will wait before
posting an alarm if flow stops or the batch totalizer is inhibited while a batch is
• Enter a value of 0.0 to 300.0.
• Time out is disabled if set to 0.0 seconds.
• Time out can be assigned to a discrete output, using the Discrete IO panel in
the ProLink II Configuration window.
Number of stages 1 Stage Specify 1 Stage or 2 Stage. See the discussion in Section .
Number of
1 • Enter a value of 0 to 5.
• This value specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point on the
operation screen.
Maximum target 1.0000E9 kg If Lockout target is set to No, enter the maximum target that the operator will be
allowed to set in the batch operation mode.
Alarm timeout 1.00000 Min This parameter is applicable only if Ignore source alarms is set to Yes.
• Enter the number of minutes, from 1 to 20, for which source alarms will be
• If the alarm condition is present when the alarm timeout expires, the current
batch is stopped.
Configure presets
% Target Select % Target or Quantity.
• If set to % Target, Open primary, Open secondary, Close primary, and End
warning values are configured as a percentage of the batch target.
• If set to Quantity, Open primary and Open secondary are each configured as a
quantity at which the valve should open; Close primary and End warning
values are each configured as a quantity that is subtracted from the batch
Table B-2 Control options continued
Setting Default Description