You have been using your hard disk drive successfully for
some time but notice a redduction in performance.
The data on the disk may have become fragmented. Back up all
your data and use a disk compaction utility to reorganize the
files on your disk.
If you cannot access data on your hard disk or you are seeing
read/ write errors, the disk may have a physical problem.
Contact your service representative.
Password Rob/ems
You have forgotten your password.
You must discharge your CMOS memory. To do this, you
need to change the setting of jumper 537 to position 3-4. See
Chapter 4 for details on changing the jumper.
After you have changed J37, restart the computer, leave it on
for a few seconds, then turn it off again. This resets the SETUP
values to their factory defaults. Both the Supervisor and the
User passwords are disabled.
Set J37 back to position 2-3. Then turn of the computer again.
Use SETUP to set a new password, if you want to.
You see a diskette access error message.
You may have set the Diskette Access option in SETUP to
Supervisor but have logged onto your system using a User
level password. See Chapter 2 for information about setting the
Diskette Access option and using Supervisor and User
Troubleshooting 6- 9