Starting the SETUP Program
When you start your computer, it performs some power-on
diagnostics. During these diagnostics, you may see the
following message:
Press <F2> to enter SETUP
(In SETUP, you can disable this message, if desired.)
Press F2 to run SETUP. This message is only on the screen for a
few seconds. If you missed it, restart the computer and try
If the system detects an error in your configuration, you hear
two beeps and see an error message followed by this message:
Press <Fl> to resume, <F2> to Setup
Press F2 to run SETUP.
SETUP displays the Main Menu. From this menu, you can
select the various options to identify your system’s
configuration and then save your new values to CMOS. If you
change your mind, you can cancel any changes you have made
and restore the default values stored in ROM or load the values
previously stored in CMOS.
The table below lists the keys you can use to perform SETUP
Running the SETUP Program