Setting the Video Display Type
The Video System option allows you to define the type of
display you are using. If you have a VGA monitor that you
connected to the computer’s built-in VGA port, select EGA/VGA.
If you connected a monitor that doesn’t support VGA to a
video adapter card installed in your system, select either the
CGA 80 X 25 or the Monochrome option. If you installed a
video adapter card, make sure you disabled the onboard VGA
controller by setting jumper 518 to the Off position. (See
Chapter 4 for instructions.)
Checking System Memory
Your computer comes with 4MB of RAM on a SIMM. MS-DOS
and application programs that run under MS-DOS use the first
640KB of memory. The memory above 1MB is extended
When you boot your system, the system BIOS detects the total
memory size automatically. You see the memory configuration
displayed in the System Memory and Extended Memory
fields on this SETUP screen.
You cannot change these values; if they are not what you
expect them to be, check that the SIMM(s) are securely seated
in their sockets. (See Chapter 4 to locate the SIMM sockets.)
Setting the Diskette Drive(s)
On your system, diskette drive A is the 3.5-inch high-density
drive installed in the lower drive bay. You may also have
another drive of a different size or capacity; this is drive B.
Check the settings for both drives and correct them if necessary.
Running the SETUP Program