64 Using the Control Panel
2 Tear Off (Font) button
❏ Advances continuous paper to the tear-off position.
❏ Feeds continuous paper backward from the tear-off
position to the top-of-form position.
❏ In Micro Adjust mode, selects one of the six built-in fonts.
3 LF/FF button
❏ Feeds paper line by line when pressed and released.
❏ Ejects a single sheet or advances continuous paper to the
next top-of-form position when held down.
❏ In Micro Adjust mode, adjusts the top-of-form and tear-
off position.
4 Load/Eject button
❏ Loads a single sheet of paper.
❏ Ejects a single sheet of paper.
❏ Loads continuous paper from the standby position.
❏ Feeds continuous paper backward to the standby
❏ In Micro Adjust mode, adjust the top-of-form and tear-off
5 Pause button
Stops printing temporarily, and resumes printing when
pressed again. When held down for three seconds, turns on
Micro Adjust mode. To turn it off, press it again.