T440 Users manual V021/B, © JED Microprocessors Pty Ltd Nov 17th 2008 Page 1
JED T440 Simple Projector Controller users manual version V021 part B
(Ed Schoell rev: Nov 17th 2008)
Table of Contents
Acer projector family 1
BenQ MP5/7xx, SP820,Opt Gr3 2/3
Epson VP21, IR to X5 4/5
HP projector 6
Hitachi proj 7
InFocus / ASK Proxima 8
LG LCD/Plasma TV 9
Mitsubishi 10/11
NEC LCD TV (& Sherwood), Plasma
and NEC Projector 12/15
Optoma Projector Gr1&2 16/17
Panasonic Projector 18/19
Plus U5, U7 Projector 20
Sanyo LCD TV, projector 21/23
Sharp 24
Sony projector 25
Toshiba projector 26/27
Taxan projector 28
Acer (Code 70 hex), PD727, P1165, P1265, P5260, P5270, P5280, P5370
Channel codes are:
Computer1 := '* 0 IR 015' + 0D; // RGB analog-RGB VGA
Computer2 := '* 0 IR 028' + 0D; // RGB analog- via DVI (some models only)
Computer3 := '* 0 IR 016' + 0D; // DVI digital via DVI
Video1 := '* 0 IR 019' + 0D; // Comp Video
Video2 := '* 0 IR 018' + 0D; // S-Video
Video3 := '* 0 IR 017' + 0D; // Component YPbPr via DB15 HDTV
Video4 := '* 0 IR 029' + 0D; // Component YPbPr DVI or HDMI via adaptor (some models only)
Video5 := '* 0 IR 016' + 0D; // DVI or HDMI via adaptor
(There may be more codes available for “Wireless” and “HDMI” on newer devices. Update later.)
Any one of these codes can be set into Constant:0/Constant:1 for computer codes and Constant:2/Constant:3 for video
codes. (The default is to have Computer1 (above) as the “Computer” channel and Video1 as the “Video” channel.
Setting OPT1 switch ON will swap Video1 and Video2 channels, making S-Video the video default.)
• Power on projector connection blink codes available;
• OPT7 handshake mode not available;
• Source lock must be turned ON in the “Maintenance” menu;
• Freeze and mute are toggle mode only in these projectors, so 2-yellow-button mute mode is NOT supported;
• Audio functions are limited to one (sometimes two) audio input(s) and no output to room speakers. Use a T461 if
audio control is needed.
RS232 connections to 3-Pin DIN Acer projectors.
Mini-DIN 3 socket on projector. Coms at: 9600 DP8N1
Function/Direction T440 “projector”
Acer Serial Port
Ground Ground Mini-DIN 3 pin 3 (Gnd)
Data from T440 to projector Tx Mini-DIN 3 pin 1 or 2 (RXD)
Reply data from projector to T440 Rx Mini-DIN 3 pin 2 or 1 (TXD)
Mini-DIN 3
solder side
After installation wiring of any projector to a T440, use a multimeter to check voltages of –9 on BOTH TX and RX pins
in any installation, as described in the troubleshooting part of this manual.