
SELFM0: Timer 0 fine mode selection (D6) / 16-bit timer 0 control register (0x48186)
SELFM1: Timer 1 fine mode selection (D6) / 16-bit timer 1 control register (0x4818E)
SELFM2: Timer 2 fine mode selection (D6) / 16-bit timer 2 control register (0x48196)
SELFM3: Timer 3 fine mode selection (D6) / 16-bit timer 3 control register (0x4819E)
SELFM4: Timer 4 fine mode selection (D6) / 16-bit timer 4 control register (0x481A6)
SELFM5: Timer 5 fine mode selection (D6) / 16-bit timer 5 control register (0x481AE)
Sets fine mode for clock output.
Write "1": Fine mode
Write "0": Normal output
Read: Valid
When SELFMx is set to "1", clock output is set in fine mode which allows adjustment of the output signal duty ratio
in units of a half cycle for the input clock.
When SELFMx is set to "0", normal clock output will be performed.
At initial reset, SELCFMx is set to "0" (normal output).
SELCRB0: Timer 0 comparison register buffer enable (D5) / 16-bit timer 0 control register (0x48186)
SELCRB1: Timer 1 comparison register buffer enable (D5) / 16-bit timer 1 control register (0x4818E)
SELCRB2: Timer 2 comparison register buffer enable (D5) / 16-bit timer 2 control register (0x48196)
SELCRB3: Timer 3 comparison register buffer enable (D5) / 16-bit timer 3 control register (0x4819E)
SELCRB4: Timer 4 comparison register buffer enable (D5) / 16-bit timer 4 control register (0x481A6)
SELCRB5: Timer 5 comparison register buffer enable (D5) / 16-bit timer 5 control register (0x481AE)
Enables or disables writing to the comparison register buffer.
Write "1": Enabled
Write "0": Disabled
Read: Valid
When SELCRBx is set to "1", comparison data is read and written from/to the comparison register buffer. The
content of the buffer is loaded to the comparison data register when the counter is reset by the software or the
comparison B signal.
When SELCRBx is set to "0", comparison data is read and written from/to the comparison data register.
At initial reset, SELCRBx is set to "0" (disabled).
OUTINV0: Timer 0 output inversion (D4) / 16-bit timer 0 control register (0x48186)
OUTINV1: Timer 1 output inversion (D4) / 16-bit timer 1 control register (0x4818E)
OUTINV2: Timer 2 output inversion (D4) / 16-bit timer 2 control register (0x48196)
OUTINV3: Timer 3 output inversion (D4) / 16-bit timer 3 control register (0x4819E)
OUTINV4: Timer 4 output inversion (D4) / 16-bit timer 4 control register (0x481A6)
OUTINV5: Timer 5 output inversion (D4) / 16-bit timer 5 control register (0x481AE)
Selects a logic of the output signal.
Write "1": Inverted (active low)
Write "0": Normal (active high)
Read: Valid
By writing "1" to OUTINVx, an active-low signal (off level = high) is generated for the TMx output. When
OUTINVx is set to "0", an active-high signal (off level = low) is generated.
At initial reset, OUTINVx is set to "0" (active high).