RXENC:HDLC clear receive enable (D7) / HDLC cancel transfer register (0x020030A)
TXENC: HDLC clear transmit enable (D6) / HDLC cancel transfer register (0x020030A)
RXIEC: HDLC clear Rx and Sp INT enable(D1) / HDLC cancel transfer register (0x020030A)
TXIEC: HDLC clear Tx INT enable (D0) / HDLC cancel transfer register (0x020030A)
Writing "1" to a bit clears the corresponding enable bit in the HDLC transfer settings register. Writes of "0" are
ignored. Setting a bit requires writing to the corresponding bit in the HDLC transfer settings register.
Reading this register returns the current setting for these enable bits: disabled ("0") or enabled ("1"). These values are
the same as the corresponding bits in the HDLC transfer settings register.
Writing "1" to RXENC clears the enable receive bit.
Write "1": Receive disabled
Write "0": Invalid
Read "1": Receive enabled
Read "0": Receive disabled
Writing "1" to TXENC clears the enable transmit bit.
Write "1": Transmit disabled
Write "0": Invalid
Read "1": Transmit enabled
Read "0": Transmit disabled
Writing "1" to RXIEC clears the enable Rx and Sp INT interrupts bit.
Write "1": Interrupt disabled
Write "0": Invalid
Read "1": Interrupt enabled
Read "0": Interrupt disabled
Writing "1" to TXIEC clears the enable transmit interrupts bit.
Write "1": Interrupt disabled
Write "0": Invalid
Read "1": Interrupt enabled
Read "0": Interrupt disabled
ABTCRC: HDLC CRC/Abort on underrun/EOM (D1) / HDLC transmit operation settings register
MRKFLG: HDLC Mark/Flag on idle (D0) / HDLC transmit operation settings register (0x0200318)
These bits specify HDLC output for certain special conditions.
ABTCRC specifies the HDLC output after a Tx underrun: a CRC ("0") or abort pattern ("1") plus flag pattern.
Write "1": Abort pattern plus flag pattern
Write "0": CRC pattern plus flag pattern
MRKFLG specifies the output pattern while transmit operation is disabled: flag ("0") or mark ("1"). The mark pattern
fixes the output at High level.
Write "1": Mark
Write "0": Flag