Assembler as62 (1)
Development Tools
Converts the mnemonic of the source files into object codes (machine
language) of the S1C62. The results are output in a relocatable object file.
This assembler includes preprocessing functions such as macro definition/call,
conditional assembly, and file-include functions.
Start-up Command Usage
Usage: as62 [options] <file name>
Options: -d <symbol> Add preprocess definition
-e Output error log file (.ERR)
-g Add source debug information in object
-l Output relocatable list file (.LST)
-o <file name> Specify output file name (.O or no extension)
File name: Source file name (.DAT, .S, or .MS)
file.s or
Assembly source file
Object fileRelocatable
list file
Error filePreprocessed
source file
to Linker
#include <file name> Inserts other file in the source file.
#define <define name> [<string>] Defines a character string with a define name.
#macro <macro name> [par] [,par] ... Defines a statement string with a macro name.
<statements> Branch labels in a macro are specified with $$1 to $$n.
#endm (par: Dummy parameters)
#ifdef <name> Conditional assembling
<statements 1> <name> defined: <statements 1> is assembled.
[#else <name> undefined: <statements 2> is assembled.
<statements 2>]
#ifndef <name> Conditional assembling
<statements 1> <name> undefined: <statements 1> is assembled.
[#else <name> defined: <statements 2> is assembled.
<statements 2>]
.code Declares the start of a code section.
.bss Declares the start of a bss section.
.org <address> Specifies an absolute address.
.page <page number> Specifies a page number.
.bank <bank number> Specifies a bank number.
.align <alignment number> Specifies alignment of a section.
.comm <global symbol> <size> Defines a global symbol and secures memory area in a
bss section.
.lcomm <local symbol> <size> Defines a local symbol and secures memory area in a
bss section.
.set <symbol> <address> Defines an absolute address for a symbol.
.global <symbol> Declares the symbol as global.
.codeword <data>[ <data> ... <data>] Defines codes in the CODE section.
.list Turns output ON(.list)/OFF(.nolist) in the assembly list
.nolist file. (Effective only when the -l option is specified)
.stabs "<file name>", FileName Outputs source information for debugging.
.stabn 0, FileEnd (Effective only when the -g option is specified)
.stabn <line number>, LineInfo