Debugger db62 (5)
Development Tools
Debugger Messages
Command errors
Error : no high and low ROM No ROM is installed in ICE. (rp)
Error : no high ROM No high-order ROM is installed in ICE. (rp)
Error : no low ROM No low-order ROM is installed in ICE. (rp)
Error : no mapping area A no-map area is specified. (pm, dm)
Error : no such symbol There is no such symbol. (All symbol support commands)
Error : Incorrect number of The parameter number is incorrect. (All commands)
Error : over max nesting level (5), Nestling of the com command exceeds the limit. (com)
can't open file
Error : r/w option (r, w or *) An illegal R/W option is specified. (bd, bm)
Error : ROM program verify error ROM program checks out different codes. (vp)
Error : Incorrect ROM type An illegal value is specified for the ROM type parameter of
(64/128/256/512) the rom command. (rom)
Error : Number of steps The specified step count is out of range. (s, n)
out of range, use 0-65535
Error : symbol type error The symbol type (CODE / BSS) is error.
(All symbol support commands)
Error : this chip not support this The chip with the used parameter file cannot support this
function option function. (lo)
Error : undefined code detected Undefined code is detected when loading file. (rp)
Error : Incorrect register name, An invalid register name is specified. (br)
use (PC/A/B/X/Y/F)
Command warning
Warning : read only address, This data address is read only, cannot be written to. (de)
can't write
ICE errors
Error : communication error There is a probrem in communication between Host and ICE.
Error : ID not match ICE protocol ID error
Error : ROM sum check error ICE62 firmware ROM sum erro found during self
diagnostic test.
Error : RAM check error
ICE62 firmware
RAM error found during self diagnostic test.
Error : undefined code detected Some undefined code is detected when loading file.
ICE status
Status : break hit A breakpoint is met when executing a program.
Status : break switch pushed Break switch is pressed.
Status : halt The status of ICE is halt.
Status : key break Key break is pressed.
Status : reset switch target Reset switch is pressed.
Status : reset switch idle Reset switch is idle.
Status : target down There is a problem in communication between the ICE and
Evaluation Board.
Status : time out The time waiting for a message from ICE is too long.
Command errors
No coverage address There is no coverage information. (cv)
No trace data There is no trace data in trace memory. (td, ts)
Error : Program address The specified program memory address is out of range.
out of range (pe, pf, pm, sc, m, u, g, bp, cv, ts)
Error : Data address out of range The specified data memory address is out of range.
(de, df, dm, dd, ts)
Error : can't open file The file cannot be opened. (lf, lo)
Error : Data out of range, The specified number is out of the data range. (de, df)
use 0-0xf
Error : different chip type, A different ICE parameter is used in the file. (lf)
can't load this file
Error : end address < start The start address is larger than the end address.
address (pf, pm, df, dm, bp, cv)
Error : error file type The extension of the command file should be CMD. (com)
(extension should be CMD)
Error : Incorrect identifier, use An illegal parameter has been specified for an item of the bm
PC/ADDR/DATA/OPT/A/B/X/Y/F command. (bm)
Error : illegal code The input code is not available. (pe, pf)
Error : illegal mnemonic The input mnemonic is invalid for S1C62. (as)
Error : invalid command This is an invalid command. (All commands)
Error : invalid data pattern The input data pattern is invalid. (bd)
Error : invalid value The input data, address or symbol is invalid. (All commands)