114 App.1
[Notes] • Frequent write command executions by an NV memory write command may damage
the NV memory. Therefore, it is recommended to write to the NV memory less than
10 times a day.
• If the power is turned off or the printer is reset via an interface while this command is
being executed, the printer may go into an abnormal condition. Be careful not to
turn the power off or let the printer be reset via an interface while this command is
being executed.
• While processing this command, the printer is BUSY while writing data to the NV
memory and stops receiving data. Therefore be sure not to transmit data, including
the real-time commands while the printer is BUSY.
• The printer executes a software reset after processing this command.
• Clears the receive and print buffers.
• Resets all setting values in RAM (the print area, the character styles, user-defined
characters, and others) that were in effect at power on. (The data in the NV memory
are not reset.)
• NV bit image and NV graphics (GS ( L/ GS 8 L) cannot be defined simultaneously.
When this command is executed, all NV graphics are deleted.
GS v 0 m xL xH yL yH d1...dk [obsolete command]
GS ( L <Function 112 and 50>, which is the upward-compatible command replacing GS v 0, is
recommended for use, since GS v 0 is an obsolete command in the ESC/POS
command system.
[Name] Print raster bit image
[Format] ASCII GS v 0 m x
L xH yL yH d1...dk
Hex 1D 76 30 m x
L xH yL yH d1...dk
Decimal 29 118 48 m x
L xH yL yH d1...dk
[Range] 0 ≤ m ≤ 3 , 48 ≤ m ≤ 51
1 ≤ (x
L + xH × 256) ≤ 256 (0 ≤ xL ≤ 255 , xH = 0,1)
1 ≤ (y
L + yH × 256) ≤ 2303 (0 ≤ yL ≤ 255 , 0 ≤ yH ≤ 8)
0 ≤ d ≤ 255
k = (x
L + xH × 256) × (yL + yH × 256)
[Description] • Prints a raster bit image using the mode specified by m.
Mode Vertical direction Horizontal direction
0, 48 Normal 180 dpi 180 dpi
1, 49 Double-width 180 dpi 90 dpi
2, 50 Double-height 90 dpi 180 dpi
3, 51 Quadruple 90 dpi 90 dpi
• xL, xH specify the number of bytes in the horizontal direction as (xL + xH × 256).
• yL, yH specify the number of dots in the vertical direction as (yL + yH × 256).
• d specifies the defined data (raster format).