Paper roll Print position commands GS \
Ver. 10.01 p. 192
GS \
[Name] Set relative vertical print position in page mode
[Format] ASCII GS \
nL nH
Hex 1D 5C
nL nH
Decimal 29 92
nL nH
[Range] –32768 ≤ (
× 256) ≤ 32767
[Default] None
[Printers not featuring this command] TM-U230, TM-U220, TM-U210, TM-U300A/B
[Description] In page mode, moves the vertical print position to (
× 256) × (vertical or horizontal motion unit) from
the current position.
■ This command is enabled only in page mode. If this command is processed in standard mode, it is ignored.
■ The printer ignores any setting that exceeds the print area set by ESC W.
■ A positive number specifies movement to the downward, and a negative number specifies movement to
the upward. N pitch movement to the downward: (
× 256) = N. Use the complement of N for
setting N pitch movement to the upward: (
× 256) = 65536 – N.
■ The horizontal or vertical motion unit is used for the print direction set by ESC T.
• When the starting position is set to the upper left or lower right of the print area using ESC T, the
vertical motion unit is used.
• When the starting position is set to the upper right or lower left of the print area using ESC T, the
horizontal motion unit is used.
■ Even if vertical or horizontal motion unit is changed after changing the print position, the setting of print
position will not be changed.
■ “\” is corresponds to “\” in JIS code set.
[Model-dependent variations] TM-J2000/J2100, TM-T90, TM-T88III, TM-L90, TM-L60II, TM-P60
Print position commands