Paper roll Bit-image commands GS ( L GS 8 L
Ver. 10.01 p. 217
■ During the interval between the sending of the data header and NUL, ASB status and the real time
commands are rendered invalid.
■ When communication with the printer uses XON/XOFF control with serial interface, the XOFF code may
interrupt the “Header to NUL” data string.
■ The information for each function can be identified to other transmission data according to specific data
of the transmission data block. When the header transmitted by the printer is [hex = 37H/decimal =55],
treat NUL [hex = 00H/decimal =0] as a data group and identify it according to the combination of the
header and the identifier.
[Notes for ESC/POS Handshaking Protocol]
■ It will be necessary to perform the ESC/POS Handshaking Protocol procedures listed below when using
Functions 64 and 80.
(*1) Response Code
Procedure Host operation Printer operation
1 This command sends
Function 64.
Function 64 is initiated.
2 Data is received from printer. Key code list is sent.
3 Response code (*1) is sent. Procedures (*2 and *3) are performed
according to response code.
ASCII Hexadecimal Decimal Request definition
ACK 06 6 Send next data group.
NAK 15 21 Resend just-received data group.
CAN 18 24 Cancel send operation.