6. V-Link 3-27
Serial Communications
Data Items for Protocols
• Transmission control code: 1 byte
• V7 port number: 2 bytes
Port numbers are used so that the host computer can identify each V7 series for
access. The data range is from 01H to 1FH (1 to 31) and is converted into the ASCII
code before use. The port number of the V7 series should be set on the V-SFT editor.
(Refer to “V-SFT Setting.”)
• Command: 2 bytes
Available commands are shown below.
• The number of words to be read or written: 2 bytes
Set the number of words to be read or written by one command. The data range is from
01H to FFH (1 to 255) and is converted into the ASCII code before use.
• Memory address to be read or written: 18 bytes
Specify the memory address to be accessed. Set the following code in the format as
shown for “Read target memory setting” on page 3-25 and “Write target memory
setting” on page 3-26.
- Model
Signal Name Code (Hexadecimal) Contents
STX 02H Start of transmission block
ETX 03H End of transmission block
CR 0DH Carriage return
LF 0AH Line feed
Name Code (Hexadecimal) ASCII Contents
Read 20H 32 30 Read from memory
Write 21H 32 31 Write to memory
Code (Hexadecimal) ASCII
V7 series internal memory 00H 3030
PLC memory
16-bit 01H 3031
32-bit 81H 3831
Memory card 02H 3032
Temperature control/PLC2 memory
16-bit 03H 3033
32-bit 83H 3833