Connection to PLCs
FX Series, FX1S Series
*1 For numerical data format where double-words can be used (Num. Data Display, Graph,
Sampling), data is processed as double-words. For those where bits or words can be used, data
is processed as words consisting of lower 16 bits.
For input Upper 16 bits are ignored.
For output “0” is written for upper 16 bits.
*2 Use DX for D1000 to 2999.
FX2N Series
*1 For numerical data format where double-words can be used (Num. Data Display, Graph,
Sampling), data is processed as double-words. For those where bits or words can be used, data
is processed as words consisting of lower 16 bits.
For input Upper 16 bits are ignored.
For output “0” is written for upper 16 bits.
Memory TYPE Remarks
D (data register) 0
TN (timer/current value) 1
CN (counter/current value) 2
32CN (counter 32 bits) 3 *1
M (internal relay) 4
S (state) 5
X (input relay) 6 Read only
Y (output relay) 7
TS (timer/contact) 8
CS (counter/contact) 9
DX (data register) 10 *2
Memory TYPE Remarks
D (data register) 0
TN (timer/current value) 1
CN (counter/current value) 2
32CN (counter 32 bits) 3 *1
M (internal relay) 4
S (state) 5
X (input relay) 6 Read only
Y (output relay) 7
TS (timer/contact) 8
CS (counter/contact) 9