5-60 9. FUJI PLC
Available Memory
The available memory setting range varies depending on the PLC model. Be sure to set within the
range available with the PLC to be used. Use [TYPE] when assigning the indirect memory for macro
*1 For numerical data format where double-words can be used (Num. Data Display, Graph,
Sampling), data is processed as double-words. For those where bits or words can be used, data
is processed as words consisting of lower 16 bits.
For input Upper 16 bits are ignored.
For output “0” is written for upper 16 bits.
*2 Byte device such as step relay is processed as described below.
For input Upper 8 bits are “0.”
For output: Lower 8 bits are written.
*3 To set up the file memory on the V-SFT editor, enter “file
number” + “: (colon)” + address in order.
* Notes on V4 (or GD-80) data conversion
When converting data of V4 (or GD-80) into the V7 data, [MICREX-F series V4] is
automatically selected for the PLC type.
Memory TYPE Remarks
M (auxiliary relay) 0 WM as word device
K (keep relay) 1 WK as word device
B (input/output relay) 2 WB as word device
L (link relay) 9 WL as word device
F (special relay) 10 WF as word device
TS (timer/set value) 11 *1
TR (timer/current value) 12 *1
W9 (timer/current value 0.1) 13 *1
CS (counter/set value) 14 *1
CR (counter/current value) 15 *1
BD (data memory) 16 *1
WS (step control relay) 17 *2
Wn (file memory) 18 *3
Example: W30 : 00002
File number