
RUSKA 7350
Users Manual
Do not change any jumpers or switch settings on the IEEE-488 interface
board. The IEEE-488 address is set by the Menu
Remote screen.
The RS-232 interface supports standard serial operation from a computer to a single
RUSKA 7350. RS-232 supports the IEEE-488.2 and SCPI commands. The RUSKA 7350
allows the following port setups.
Baud Rate: 1200, 2400, 9600, or 19200
Data Bits: 7 or 8
Parity: Even, Odd, or None
Stop Bits 1 or 2
Handshaking XON/XOFF
The RS-232 connection is a DB-9P connector found on the back panel of the RUSKA
7350. It is located on the processor board directly above the DB-25S connector. The
following pins are used; all other pins are reserved.
Pin # Direction Signal
2 In RXD Receive Data
3 Out TXD Transmit Data
5 —— GND Ground
7 Out RTS Request to Send
Remote/Local Operation
In local mode, the RUSKA 7350 is operated manually through the front panel. Chapter 4,
Local Operation, covers local operation. The RUSKA 7350 always powers up in the local
mode. In remote mode, the RUSKA 7350 is operated by a computer connected to an
interface. Most functions that can be performed in local mode can also be performed
Remote mode does not automatically disable local operation. The remote interface may
be active while local operations are being done. In cases where full remote control is
required the following methods may be used.
1. Issue a Local Lockout (LLO) interface message via the IEEE-488 interface.
The RUSKA 7350 will disable the local keyboard until the Go To Local (GTL)
interface message is received or the REN (Remote Enable) line is unasserted. This
method cannot be used on the serial interfaces.
2. Issue the SCPI command “SYSTEM:KLOCK O” to lock the local keyboard.
The RUSKA 7350 will disable the local keyboard until the command
“SYSTEM:KLOCK OFF” is received.
<string>”. These commands will disable the local display in addition to locking the
keyboard. The command “DISPLAY:ENABLE ON” will restore the local display
and keyboard operation.
Local operation may also be restored by powering the RUSKA 7350 off and back on.