Remote Operation
Device Messages 5
SCPI Status Registers
Status Byte Register (STB), Service Request Enable Register (SRE)
Bit 7 Operation Status Summary. Set when an event enabled in OPER:ENABLE
Bit 5 EBS - Event status bit. Set when an event enabled in ESE occurs.
Bit 4 MAV - Message Available. Set when a response is ready to be sent.
Bit 3 Questionable Status Summary. Set when an event enabled in
Bit 2 Error/Event Queue Not Empty.
Bit 1 Always 0.
Bit 0 Always 0.
Standard Event Status Register (ESR), Standard Event Status Enable Register (ESE)
Bit 7 Power-on. set at power-up.
Bit 6 User request. Always 0.
Bit 5 Command Error. Error in command syntax.
Bit 4 Execution Error. Error in command execution.
Bit 3 Device Dependent Error. Device error independent of commands.
Bit 2 Query Error. Output queue empty when request received.
Bit 1 Request Control. Always 0.
Bit 0 Operation Complete. Set for *OPC command.
Bit 0 Calibrating. Currently performing a calibration.
Bit 1 Settling. Waiting for control to stabilize.
Bit 2 Ranging. Always 0.
Bit 3 Sweeping. Always 0.
Bit 4 Measuring. The instument is actively measuring. Always 1.
Bit 5 Waiting for Trigger. Always 0.
Bit 7 Correcting. Currently performing a correction. Always 0.
Bit 8 Self-test in progress.
Bit 9 Always 0.
Bit 10 Always 0.
Bit 11 Always 0.
Bit 12 Always 0.
Bit 13 Instrument Summary bit. Always 0.
Bit 14 Program Running.
Bit 15 0.