
RUSKA 7350
Users Manual
The key to eliminating an error is knowing its source and type along with its polarity and
magnitude. Generally, the source is simple to detect and is represented by the specific
parameter. The type is usually a function of the instrument’s design and manufacturing
process. Within a given instrument, an error can be either random or systematic, as well
as random or systematic within the instrument’s population. The user is free to consult
Fluke for recommended methods of minimizing error source contributions.
In summation, total error can and should be managed by the control of the three general
error sources: Input Specifications, which includes the user’s chosen calibration standards;
General Specifications, which includes the user’s chosen processes; and Performance
Specifications, which includes the user’s chosen applications for the instrumentation. The
parameters and value limits listed in the following specifications indicate the product
line’s general acceptance limits and are not a report of any unit’s specific error
contribution. Any parameter exceeding the specified limits should be considered in need
of maintenance.
Pressure Ranges 0-6000, 0-10,000 psia
Accuracy 0.01% FS
Resolution 0.001% FS or better
Control Stability Typically 0.0075% FS
Control Response 20 – 90 seconds controlling into a 15 cu. in. volume
depending on full scale range and increment step size
Control Range 300 – 3000, 600 – 6000, 1000 – 10,000 psia
Control Volume 3 in
(50cc) to 35 in
(570cc) all ranges
Overshoot 0.01% of Full Scale
Overpressure Protection Relief valve set at 110% FS
Connections Supply Pressure port: 1/8
Test port: 1/8 NPT
Drive Air Supply: 1/4 NPT
Display Color active matrix TFT display
Pressure Medium
(test and control gas)
Clean, dry, non-corrosive gas with a dew point of -40 °C
and a particulate size <100 microns.
Gas Consumption Zero at commanded pressure with a leak tight system
Pressure Supply 110 to 120 psi gas pressure for controller circuit. Test gas
supply to be 110% higher than full scale pressure (may
require an external booster system).
Recalibration Interval
1 year
Communications Standard: RS-232 and IEEE-488
Dimensions 19" W x 24" D x 17" H
(49 x 61 x 43 cm)
Weight 120 lbs