
8 Refitting is a reversal of the removal
Front direction indicator side
9 Remove the appropriate front wheel arch
liner as described in Chapter 11.
10 Remove the appropriate sill scuff plate as
described in Chapter 11, and release the clip
securing the insulation to the panel forward of
the lower A-pillar.
11 Disconnect the supply lead connector and
the earth lead, then release their grommet
from its panel location.
12 From outside the vehicle, twist the light
assembly to release it, then withdraw it and its
13 Refitting is a reversal of the removal
procedure, ensuring that the grommet is
seated correctly in its panel location.
Rear light cluster
14 Disconnect the multi-plug from the
bulbholder, then press the retaining lugs on
the bulbholder together and remove it (see
15 Unscrew the four nuts securing the light
unit, then remove the unit and its seal.
16 Refitting is a reversal of the removal
procedure. Tighten the light unit securing nuts
to their specified torque.
Number plate light
17 Insert a thin flat-bladed screwdriver
between the light assembly and the bumper,
and carefully prise the light out. Use a rag, or
a piece of card, between the screwdriver and
the bumper, to prevent damage to the
18 Detach the connections on the underside
of the light assembly.
19 Refitting is a reversal of the removal
Auxiliary lights
S models
20 Disconnect the battery negative (earth)
lead (refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).
21 Disconnect the light wiring multi-plug then
unscrew its retaining nut, withdraw the bolt
and remove the light unit (see illustration).
22 Refitting is a reversal of the removal
procedure, tightening the retaining nut to the
specified torque. On completion, check the
auxiliary light beam alignment as described in
Section 8.
XR2i models
23 Disconnect the battery negative (earth)
lead (refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).
24 Undo the four Torx retaining screws
securing the relevant dual light assembly to its
bumper location. Note that the retaining and
adjusting screws are captive within the light
assembly - they cannot be removed from
the assembly (see illustration).
25 Withdraw the light assembly from its
location, then remove the caps protecting the
bulbs and disconnect the wiring.
26 If required, the lights may be removed
individually from their housing at this stage.
Each light is secured to its housing unit by a
combination of two types of clips - foglight
retention differs from driving light retention.
27 The adjusting/retaining clips are removed
by undoing the adjustment screws on the
front of the housing unit, then turning the clips
using pliers or similar tool, before
withdrawing. To remove a retaining-only clip,
lift the lug on the side of the clip using a
screwdriver, then turn the clip using pliers or
similar tool, before withdrawing.
28 Refitting is a reversal of the removal
procedure. On completion, check the auxiliary
light beam alignment as described in Section 8.
8 Headlight and auxiliary light
beam alignment - checking
and adjustment
1 Accurate adjustment of the headlight and
auxiliary light beams is only possible using
optical beam-setting equipment, and this
12•10 Body electrical systems
7.24 Auxiliary light assembly (XR2i models) - left-hand unit shown
A Light assembly retaining
B Fog light vertical adjustment
C Driving light vertical adjustment
D Driving light horizontal
adjustment screw
E Bulb protective caps
F Fog light bulb connector
G Bulb earth leads
H Driving light bulb connector
7.21 Auxiliary light fixture (S models)
A Bracket retaining nuts C Auxiliary light multi-plug
B Auxiliary light retaining nut
7.14 Press the retaining lugs on the rear
light cluster bulbholder together (broken
arrows) to release the bulbholder
7.7b . . . then pull the light unit out to
enable the multi-plug (arrowed) to be
1595Ford Fiesta Remake