
work should therefore be carried out by a
Ford dealer or service station with the
necessary facilities.
2 Temporary adjustment can be made when
the headlight has been removed and refitted,
or to compensate for normal adjustment
whenever a heavy load is being carried. Turn
the adjustment screws at the rear of the
headlight unit to make the adjustment (see
3 Before making any adjustments to the
headlight settings, it is important that the tyre
pressures are correct, and that the vehicle is
standing on level ground. Bounce the front of
the vehicle a few times to settle the
suspension. Ideally, somebody of normal size
should sit in the driver’s seat during the
adjustment, and the vehicle should have a full
tank of fuel.
4 S model auxiliary lights are adjusted by
slackening the light retaining nuts and
swivelling the light assemblies (see
illustration 7.21). Tighten the nuts upon
5 XR2i model auxiliary lights are individually
adjustable within their housings, provision
being made for both vertical and horizontal
adjustment of the driving lights, and vertical
adjustment only of the foglights. Adjustment is
made via Torx-head captive screws on the
front of the housings (see illustration 7.24).
6 Whenever temporary adjustments are
made, the settings must be reset as soon as
possible once the vehicle is in normal use.
9 Instrument panel -
removal and refitting
1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead
(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).
2 Disconnect the speedometer cable at the
transmission casing (see Section 11).
3 Remove the two screws securing the
instrument panel bezel from its underside.
Remove the bezel.
4 Remove the four screws securing the
instrument panel to its location, then carefully
pull it out to allow access to the speedometer
cable and multi-plug connections. Disconnect
the speedometer cable and multi-plug, then
remove the instrument panel from the vehicle
(see illustrations).
5 Refitting is a reversal of removal. On
completion check the function of all electrical
10 Instrument panel
components -
removal and refitting
1 Remove the instrument panel as described
in Section 9.
Panel illumination and warning light
2 All bulbholders are a bayonet fit, requiring a
“twist and withdraw” removal technique (see
illustration). Bulbs cannot be removed from
their holders -they are renewed complete.
Printed circuit
3 Insert a thin flat-bladed screwdriver into the
multi-plug retainer and carefully unclip it,
having noted its orientation (see illustration).
4 Remove all panel illumination and warning
light bulbholders.
5 Using a suitable tool (a trim clip removal
tool is ideal), carefully prise the printed circuit
off its instrument terminals, and release it from
its retainers before removing.
6 Remove the two bulbholders on the top of
the panel assembly, and release their strip of
printed circuit from its retainers, so that the
instrument panel halves may be separated.
7 Separate the panel halves by releasing the
Body electrical systems 12•11
9.4b Disconnect the speedometer cable
from the rear of the instrument cluster . . .
9.4a Instrument cluster securing screws
8.2 Exploded view of the headlight unit
A Sidelight bulb holder
B Sidelight bulb
C Headlight bulb retainer
D Headlight bulb
E Bulb protective cap
F Horizontal adjustment screw
G Vertical adjustment screw
10.3 Unclipping the multi-plug retainer
from the rear of the instrument cluster
10.2 Removing a bulbholder from the rear
of the instrument cluster (bayonet type
9.4c . . . then disconnect the multi-plug
1595Ford Fiesta Remake