
wiring passes through, as an aid to
3 Position the clock spring on the steering
wheel, routing the wiring as noted on removal,
and secure with the retaining screws.
4 The clock spring must now be centred as
5 Depress the locking pin, and rotate the
clock spring outer rotor fully anti-clockwise
until it is tight (see illustration).
6 Now turn the outer rotor approximately
3.75 turns clockwise, then release the locking
pin. Ensure that the locking pin engages when
it is released.
7 Check that the relative position of the
direction indicator cancelling cam to the cable
connector on the clock spring assembly is as
shown (see illustration 31.5).
8 Refit the steering wheel as described in
Chapter 10.
12•18 Body electrical systems
31.5 Centring the air bag clock spring. Depress locking pin (A) and rotate outer rotor (B)
anti-clockwise (“X” indicates relative position of the direction indicator cancelling cam to
the cable connector - see text)
1595Ford Fiesta Remake