
Spanning Tree Protocol
Within the region, a hop-count mechansim is used to age out the BPDU. The ISTroot sends out BPDUs with hop
count set to Maximum hops. The hop count is decremented each time the BPDUis forwarded. If the hop count
reaches zero, the switch discards the BPDUand ages out the information on the receiving port.
Configuration consist of two steps:
l configure STPsettings that are common to all MSTinstances.
l configure settings that are specific to each MST instance.
Configuring STP settings
Some STPsettings (region name and MST revision number) are common to all MST instances. Also, protocol
timers are common to all instances, because only the ISTsends out BPDUs.
Using the web-based manager:
1. Go to Switch > STP > Settings
2. Update the settings as described in the following table
3. Click Apply to save the settings.
Settings Guidelines
Enable Enables MSTP for this switch.
Region name. All switches in the MSTregion must have the identical
Revision The MSTPrevision number. All switches in the region must have the same
revision number. Range of values is 0 - 65535
Default value is 0.
Hello time is how often (in seconds) that the switch sends out a BPDU.
Range of values is 1 to 10.
Default value is 2.
Forward-Time Forward time is how long (in seconds) a port will spend in listening and
learning state before transitioning to forwarding state.
Range of values is 4 to 30.
Default value is 15.
22 FortiSwitchOS-3.2.0