Layer 3 Interfaces
BFDdefines Demand mode and Asynchronous mode operation. The FortiSwitch supports Asynchronous mode.
In this mode, the systems periodically send BFD Control packets to one another, and if a number of those
packets in a row are not received by the other system, the session is declared to be down.
BFD packets are transported using UDP/IP encapsulation and BFD control packets are identified using well
known UDP destination port 3784 (Note: BFD echo packets are identified using 3785).
BFD packets are not visible to the intermediate nodes and are generated and processed by the tunnel end
systems only.
Configuring BFD
Use the following steps to configure BFD:
1. Configure the following values in the system interface:
Enable BFD. Set to enable, or set to global to inherit the global configuration value.
l Desired min TXinterval. This is the minimum interval that the local system would like to use between
transmission of BFDcontrol packets. Value range is 1-100,000 ms. Default value is 1000.
l Required min RXinterval. This is the minimum interval that the local system can support between receipt
of BFDcontrol packets. If you set this value to zero, the remote system will not transmit BFDcontrol
packets. Value range is 1-100,000 ms.Default value is 1000.
l Detect multi. This is the detection time multiplier. The negotiated transmit interval multiplied by this value
is the Detection Time for the receiving system.
2. Enable BFD in the static router configuration:
Using the CLI:
config system interface
edit <system interface name>
set bfd [enable| disable | global]
set bfd–desired-min-tx <number of ms>
set bfd-required-min-rx <number of ms>
set bfd-detect-multi [1…50]
config router static
set bfd enable
Viewing BFD Configuration
Display the status of BFD sessions using following commands
get router info bfd neighbor [ <IP address of neighbor>]
OurAddr NeighAddr LD/RD State Int 1/4 UP vlan2000 2/2 UP vlan2001
Use the following command to display additional detail:
get router info bfd neighbor detail
46 FortiSwitchOS-3.2.0