Note -
In the case of a dual power feed, connect the power cords in their original positions by
referring to the record that you made before the start of maintenance.
diagxbu -y -b 00 -t 01
diagxbu -y -b 00 -p 02
showlogs error
28.6 Restoring the System
This section describes the procedure for restoring the system after installing the cable
Connect all the power c ord s to the power supply unit of the crossbar bo x
requiring maintenance.
For details, see "6.5.1 Installing the power cord."
Return to the operation of the XSCF firmw are replacefru co mman d to confirm
that th e crossbar backplane unit ha s been in corporated into the system.
For details, see "6.1 Incorporating an FRU into the System with the replacefru
Execute the diagxbu command t o d iagnose the c rossbar cables.
When the system board of the c h assis connected with the crossbar cab les
is not incorporated into th e physical p artition, o r when the incorporated
physical partition is powered off:
The example below specifies the following:
00: The BB-ID of the chassis to start the diagnosis
01: The BB-ID of the destination where the chassis to start the diagnosis is
connected (You can specify more than one of these.)
To specify multiple connection destination BB-IDs, enter a command like
"diagxbu -y -b 00 -t 01 -t 02".
When the system board of the c h assis connected with the crossbar cab les
is in corporated into the physical partition, and the p hysical partition is
powered on:
The example below specifies the following:
00: The BB-ID of the chassis to start the diagnosis
02: The PPAR-ID of the destination where the chassis to start the diagnosis is
connected (You can specify only one of these.)
Execute the sho w logs command to confirm that the system is operating
Chapter 28 Maintaining the Cable Kit of the Crossbar Box 451