Note -
Before stopping the system, inform the users that the system will be stopped.
Note -
When a physical partition is stopped by operating the XSCF command or the
operation panel, all the logical domains on the physical partition are stopped. Stop
applications as required.
showpparstatus -a
00 Powered Off
01 Powered Off
02 Powered Off
showdomainstatus -p 0
Logical Domain Name Status
primary Solaris powering down
4S-159-D0-G0 Solaris powering down
4S-159-D0-G1 Solaris powering down
4S-159-D0-G2 Solaris powering down
5.4 Stopping the Entire System
This section describes the procedure for stopping the entire system. To undertake
system-stopped maintenance, power off all the physical partitions to stop the entire
system before physically removing any components.
There are two ways of stopping the system, as follows:
Stopping the system with the XSCF command
Stopping the system from the operation panel
Stop t h e entire system.
For details, see "5.4.1 Stopping the system with the XSCF command"or"5.4.2
Stopping the system from the operation panel."
Execute the sho w pp arstatus command t o confirm that the po w er to th e
physical partition is turned off.
In the following example, [PPAR Status] of PPAR-IDs 00, 01, and 02 display
"Powered Off", which indicates that the power to all the physical partitions has
been turned off.
Execute the sho w do mainstatus command to confirm the operating con dition
of th e logical d omain.
In the following example, [Status] of the logical domain displays "Solaris
powering down", which indicates that Oracle Solaris is shutting down.
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual
December 201362