PCI#0 Status:Normal; Name_Property:pci;
+ Vendor-ID:108e; Device-ID:9020;
+ Subsystem_Vendor-ID:0000; Subsystem-ID:0000;
+ Model :;
+ Connection:7001;
PCIBOX#7001; Status:Normal; Ver:1110h; Serial:2121237001;
+ FRU-Part-Number:;
IOB Status:Normal; Serial:PP123403JE ;
+ FRU-Pa rt-Number:CA203 65-B66X 0 08AG ;
LINKBOARD Status:Normal; Serial:PP1234026P ;
+ FRU-Pa rt-Number:CA203 65-B60X 0 01AA ;
PCI#1 Name_Property:ethernet;
+ Vendor-ID:1077; Device-ID:8000;
+ Subsystem_Vendor-ID:1077; Subsystem-ID:017e;
+ Model:;
poweron -a
PPAR-IDs to power on:00, 01
Continue? [y|n] :
00 : Powering on
01 : Powering on
For details, see "3.3.3 Checking the status of a component."
Start the entire system.
For details, see "6.4.1 Starting the system with an XSCF command"or"6.4.2
Starting the system from the operation panel."
After a short while, the following processes are performed.
The POWER LED on the operation panel will be turned on.
The power-on self-test (POST; self diagnosis when powering on) will be
Then, the system starts up. For details, see "6.1 Starting the System" in the
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems System Operation and Administration Guide.
6.4.1 Starting the system with an XSCF command
Execute the pow eron command.
In response to the confirmation message, enter "y".
6.4.2 Starting the system from the operation panel
Press the power switch on the operation p an el for 1 second or m ore (less
Chapter 6 Understanding the Preparations for Restoring the System 75