7. Vector Charts
7.9.6 How to store and recall chart display setting for visible chart
and navigational features
Chart display settings and Symbol display settings are using common settings, which means that when you select
settings display settings the same file is chosen for symbol settings.
You can define chart display and symbol display settings that are displayed over S57 charts cells. You can save
these chart display settings to your hard disk and recall them whenever you need them.
How to create new chart display settings
To create new settings for chart display, do the following:
1. Display Chart Display/Info/Standard Display in the mouse functions area and then push the left mouse button.
2. Put the cursor on the small triangle on the Chart Display or Symbol Display dialog box.
3. Choose "Save as" from the Chart Display or Symbol Display menu and then push the scrollwheel.
4. Enter desired name for Chart Display Settings and press OK in the dialog box.
5. Make your changes both Chart Display and Symbol display settings. Note, that you have to select "Save" from
the menu before closing the dialog box.
How to select chart display settings
1. Open the Chart Display or Symbol Display dialog box and put the cursor on the triangle.
2. Choose Select from the menu and push the scrollwheel.
3. Choose desired chart display settings from the list box.
How to save changes to chart display settings
1. Open the Chart Display or Symbol Display dialog box and put the cursor on the triangle.
2. Choose Save from the menu to save current chart display settings.