1. How to Monitor Routes
11.9 Route Monitoring Alerts
The following alerts are related to route monitoring.
352 Route: Illegal ETA WPT: Appears when the system cannot use the chosen ETA waypoint. The reason might
be corrupted or missing route file.
353 Route: Illegal To WPT: Appears when the system cannot use the chosen "To WPT". The reason might be
corrupted or missing route file.
354 Route: Illegal final WPT: Appears when the system cannot use the chosen final waypoint. The reason might
be corrupted or missing route file.
360 Route: WPT change disabled: Appears when you try to change next or final waypoint while the system is in
automatic route steering. Leave automatic route steering and change the waypoint.
363 Route: Choose disabled: Appears when the you try to choose a new route for route monitoring while the
system is in automatic route steering. Leave automatic route steering and choose a new route.
364 Route: Cancel disabled: Appears when you try to cancel current monitored route while the system is in
automatic route steering. Leave automatic route steering and cancel the current route.
454 Route: End reached: Appears when own ship passes the last waypoint. The system cancels current route
monitoring. Normally this alert only appears if alert 458 is left unacknowledged.
457 Route: Outside chl limits: Appears if own ship is outside the monitored channel.
The following alerts are related to route monitoring when automatic route steering is not used:
451 Route: WPT approach alert: Appears when own ship is "x" minutes of the wheel over point of the next
waypoint, "x" being the time specified.
458 Route: Last WPT approach: Appears when own ship arrives "x" minutes from the last waypoint, "x" being
the time specified. Acknowledgement of this alert cancels current route monitoring.