10. How to Plan Routes
10.6 Backup
How to back up routes to a floppy disk
Routes can be saved to a floppy disk for backup, use by other planning stations or navigation stations. For details,
see "How to back up a file to a floppy disk" in section 14.3.
How to restore a file from a floppy disk
If you lose route planning data, you can easily restore it if you have backed it up with a floppy disk. Other planning
stations and navigation stations may also use route planning data stored on a floppy disk. For further details, see
"How to read a file from a floppy " in section 14.3.
10.7 WPT Table Report
This report is generated when you choose Report from the Plan Route menu. To display the report viewer, choose
Route-Plan from the sidebar, put the cursor on the triangle in the Plan Route dialog box, choose Report then push
the scrollwheel. To close the report viewer, click X in the right corner of the report viewer. The report may be
printed by clicking the Print Text button.
WPT report consists information of:
- Position of waypoints
- Planned speeds - Estimated times of arrival (ETA)
- Planned courses - Planned fuel consumption
- Distances between waypoints. Distance is not directly
calculated from LAT and LON values of WPTs location,
but the distance is shorter distance compensated for
planned radius for each waypoint.
-Total distance of route. Distance is not directly
calculated from LAT and LON values of WPTs location,
but the distance is shorter distance compensated for
planned radius for each waypoint.