Receiver Status
Receiver Status is indicated at the top of the Satellite Status Page, directly above the
sky view. The status will be shown as one of the following conditions:
Searching for Satellites—the GPS V is looking for any available satellites in view.
Locating Satellites—the GPS V is initializing and collecting new almanac data.
This process can take up to fi ve minutes, depending on the satellites currently in view.
Acquiring Satellites—the GPS V is collecting data from available satellites, but has
not collected enough data to calculate a position fi x.
2D GPS Location—at least three satellites have been locked onto and a 2-dimen-
sional position fi x (latitude and longitude) is being calculated. “2D Differential” will
appear when you are receiving differential corrections in 2D mode.
3D GPS Location—at least four satellites have been locked onto, and your posi-
tion is now being calculated in latitude, longitude and altitude. “3D Differential” will
appear when you are receiving differential corrections in 3D mode.
Lost Satellite Reception—the receiver is not tracking enough satellites for a 2D or
3D fi x. This is likely due to obstruction of the antenna or limited coverage of satellites
Not Usable—the receiver is unusable, possibly due to incorrect initialization or
abnormal satellite conditions. Turn the unit off and back on to reset the unit.
Simulating GPS Reception—the unit is in simulator mode and is not receiving
satellite information.
When “2D Navigation” or “3D Navigation” is displayed, the position accuracy appears
directly below the receiver status. Position accuracy is expressed in feet or meters and
refl ects an estimated error in your current latitude/longitude position read
Satellite Status Page
“Searching for Satellites” may appear when
the GPS V is fi rst used. This indicates the
GPS V is looking for any available satellite,
then must update satellite almanac data.
“Simulating GPS” means the GPS V is NOT
looking for satellites. Use the simulator mode
to simulate operation when learning to use
the unit, or to save battery power when using
the GPS V to plan a trip or change unit
GPS V OM.indd 9 5/7/2003, 8:52:53 AM