
Current Route Page
Current Route Page
When a destination is selected (when using the FIND key or an automatic route)
the Current Route Page is displayed as one of four main pages—between the Map
Page and the Trip Information Page. At the bottom of the Current Route Page appears
a pointer, which indicates the direction of travel from your current location to the
nal destination, along with distance and time to the fi nal destination. The pointer is
replaced by a checkered fl ag when you reach your destination. The top three lines of
the Current Route Page display the next three turns (turn direction arrow, turn descrip-
tion, distance and time for each).
The Next Turn Page (described on page 44) is accessible from the Current Route
Page by pressing the ENTER key. When the Current Route Page displays multiple
turns, you can view the Next Turn Page for any turn by fi rst selecting it on the list with
Scroll Bar
Distance and
Time To Go
(or Arrival Time)
Turn Instructions
Turn Direction
Direction Pointer
The Current Route Page only appears in the
main page sequence when a destination is
selected using an automatic route.
Subject Finder:
Stop Navigation...............................page 41
Recalculate Route............................page 42
Use Detour......................................page 42
The Next Turn Page can be displayed at any
time from the Current Route Page by pressing
GPS V OM.indd 40 5/7/2003, 8:53:17 AM