Appendix E
MapSource Information
MapSource City Select CD-ROM Overview
CD-ROMs containing all U.S. and Canadian detailed coverage areas (DCAs) are
included with your GPS V. The MapSource City Select CD is designed specifi cally for
the GPS V and contains detailed street maps for major cities. This mapping software
allows for automatic routing and also contains turn restrictions and other routing infor-
mation. By simply entering an address, intersection or pointing at the map, the GPS
V will automatically plan a route and provide turn-by-turn directions to that location.
You can also look up services or points of interest and view the address, phone number
and map location. Be aware that not all areas are covered in detail by the City Select
CD. But to get detailed, street-level routing for major cities, you need to download
maps from the City Select CD. Please refer to the MapSource manual for more informa-
tion on downloading maps.
The GPS V will also work with MapSource Roads & Recreation, City Navigator,
WorldMap, Topo, U.S. Waterways & Lights, Points of Interest, Fishing Hot Spots
(requires unlock) and MetroGuide CD, but these products (all but MetroGuide USA CD
version 4.01 or higher) will not provide detailed automatic routing. If you’re using GPS
V without downloaded maps from the City Select CD, you’ll still have automatic rout-
ing capabilities along major streets and highways contained in the built-in “basemap”.
Unlock Codes
The data on the City Select CD is protected by unlock codes. Before you can down-
load maps from a detailed coverage area, you’ll need to “unlock” that region. Additional
instructions for completing these steps are printed on the MapSource Unlock Certifi cate
(provided with the City Select CD). The Certifi cate directs you to the Garmin web site,
where you’ll enter your personal information, the Unit ID number from your GPS V (refer
to page 56 and the Setup Guide), and the code contained on the certifi cate. From the
web site, you’ll also select a coverage area and see which cities are included. After you’ve
completed the information, the web site will provide your offi cial 25 digit unlock
NOTE: This information will apply to
you, only if your GPS V contains these
MapSource products. Not all GPS V
product confi gurations include MapSource
CD-ROMs. For information on Garmin
MapSource products designed for use in your
specifi c location, consult the Garmin web site
(www.garmin.com) or your Garmin Dealer.
GPS V OM.indd 75 5/7/2003, 8:53:46 AM