
Que Applications
4. Tap the street field to display the ‘Select
Street Name’ dialog box. Use the Graffiti
2 input area to begin entry of the street.
When the desired name of the street is
displayed, tap it to place it on the page.
Street names are entered and selected
using only the body of the street name,
For example, if the street portion of the
address you are finding is “E. Main St”,
enter only “Main” and select “Main”
from the list. Likewise if the street
portion of the address is “N 13th Ave”
enter only “13th’ and select “13th” from
the list.
Tap the
Prefix/Suffix button to display
options for the street prefix and suffix. If
there is no prefix or suffix to be added,
select None. After you have made
your selections, tap
OK to return to the
QueFind Addresses page.
5. Tap the
Search button. Tap the desired
entry from the displayed list.
Search for Best Matches
Address Detailed Information Page
Address Map Page