Que Applications
Detour Distance Options
QueRoutes when a Route has
been stopped before completion
Using a Detour
To avoid an area of traffic congestion or other obstacles on a route,
you can use the “Detour” option to alter the route to avoid the roads
used in the current route for a specific distance.
To use the “Detour” option:
1. Tap the QueRoutes icon.
2. Tap the
Detour option.
3. Tap the distance to avoid roads used in the current route.
Stopping and Resuming Route Navigation
You can stop navigating a route at any time.
To Stop or Resume route navigation:
1. Tap the QueRoute icon to display the ‘QueRoutes’ dialog box.
2. Tap the
Stop Navigation icon to remove the route overlay from the
‘Map’ page. This also stops voice prompts and turn preview pages.
3. Start navigating again by tapping the
Resume Navigation icon
from the ‘QueRoutes’ dialog box.