Garmin GPSMAP 695/696 Owner’s Manual
190-00919-00 Rev. D
Appendix C
OverviewGPS NavigationFlight PlanningHazard AvoidanceAdditional FeaturesAppendicesIndex
The data contained in the terrain and obstacle databases comes from
government agencies. Garmin accurately processes and cross-validates the
data, but cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the data.
The Safe Taxi database contains detailed airport diagrams for selected airports.
These diagrams aid in following ground control instructions by accurately displaying
the aircraft position on the map in relation to taxiways, ramps, runways, terminals, and
services. This database is updated on a 56-day cycle and does not expire.
The FliteCharts database contains procedure charts for the United States only. This
database is updated on a 28-day cycle. If not updated within 180 days of the expiration
date, FliteCharts will no longer function.
gA r m i n dA t A b A s e Up d A t e s
The Garmin database updates can be obtained by visiting the ‘flyGarmin’ website
After the databases have been updated, check that the appropriate databases are
initialized and displayed on the splash screen during power-up.
The GPSMAP 695/696 includes an internal Jeppesen
database that provides
location and facility information for thousands of airports, VORs, NDBs, and more.
Updates to the Jeppesen database are available every 28 days online (www.fly.garmin.
com). The update program is designed to operate on Windows
-compatible PCs and
port. The following information is provided from the internal Jeppesen database:
•*Airport—identier, facility name, city/state/country, latitude/longitude, eld
elevation, available fuel types, runway designations and layout, runway surface,
published approaches.
frequency, service volume (high, low, terminal), and type (such as VOR-DME,