
18 Training with Your Forerunner
begin, head toward your course. When
you are on any part of the course path,
a message appears.
: As soon as you select ,
your Virtual Partner starts the course
and does not wait for you to warm up.
Select  to view the course map
or use the compass to nd your way
back to the course.
Select  >  > .
Select the course.
Select .
Use ▲ or ▼ to view the Virtual
Partner page.
Hold ▲ or ▼ to adjust the percentage
of time to complete the course.
For example, to improve your course
time by 20%, enter a course speed of
120%. You will race against the Virtual
Partner to nish a 30-minute course in
24 minutes.
Select  >  >  >
Select  >  > .
Select the course.
Select  > .
If the Forerunner cannot locate satellites,
a message appears asking if you are
indoors. You can also manually turn off
GPS when you are training indoors.
While the Forerunner is trying to locate
satellites, select  > .
: For more information about GPS
settings, see page 33.
For information about the GSC 10, see
page 26.
For information about power meters,
see page 26.
You can customize up to ve bike proles.
In bike mode, select  >
 >  > .