Advanced Operation
Com Mode
Advanced Operation
Com Radio Mode
Monitoring the Standby Com Channel
The Frequency Monitoring function allows you to monitor the Standby frequency for
activity, while listening to the Active frequency.
Press the COM key in the Com function to listen to the standby frequency. A small “m”
will replace the “s” in front of the Standby frequency.
119.10 m124.55 PDX from 115
When the Active frequency receives a signal, the unit will switch automatically to the Ac-
tive frequency. The Active frequency quality is not affected. The Frequency Monitor function
is turned off when you flip/flop frequencies, recall a frequency, or press COM again. Monitor-
ing is not canceled by switching to Nav mode.
Saving a Com Channel
You can save the Standby frequency and give it a name of up to four characters. A com-
bination of up to 250 Com and Nav frequencies may be saved. After 250 Nav and Com
frequencies are saved, you will get a “Database Full” message. You will have to remove fre-
quencies before any more can be saved.
A frequency type can also be assigned along with the saved selection. Types available in-
clude: Tower (TWR), Ground Control (GND), ATIS (ATS), Air Traffic Frequency (ATF), Ap-
proach (APP), Arrival (ARR), Automated Weather Station (AWS), Clearance (CLR), Common
Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTF), Departure Control (DEP), Flight Service Station (FSS),