Transmit Mic ............................................... 31
Intercom Level ............................................ 32
Sidetone Level .............................................32
Headphone Level ........................................ 32
VOR Equipment Test ......................................... 32
Appendix .............................................................33
Troubleshooting ................................................ 33
Installation Configurations ..................................36
Specifications .................................................... 37
General Features ......................................... 37
Com Radio Features .......................................... 38
Physical Specifications ....................................... 38
NAV Radio Performance Specifications .............. 39
Com Radio Performance Specifications.............. 39
System Interfaces ...............................................40
Navigation Receiver .....................................40
Com Transceiver.......................................... 40
Serial Interface ............................................ 40
Localizer and Paired Glideslope Frequencies ......41
VOR Station Frequencies .....................................43
Compliance, License, and Warranty Information . 44
FCC Compliance ............................................... 44
Software License Agreement ..............................45
Product Registration and Support ...................... 45
Limited Warranty .................................................46
Canadian RF Exposure and Compliance
To ensure compliance with the RF exposure limits of Industry Canada specification RSS-102 while using
the Com transmitter, the operating limitations below must be observed, unless an installation-specific
evaluation has been performed according to the requirements of RSS-102.
The Com antenna shall be installed in a location more than 24 inches (62 cm) from any pilot or •
required crew member of the aircraft.
The Com antenna shall be installed in a location more than 52 inches (132 cm) from any other •
occupant of the aircraft.
If any bystander is within 52 inches (132 cm) of the Com antenna or the above limits are violated, •
the transmitter shall not be activated.
For further information regarding Canadian RF exposure and compliance, contact Industry Canada’s
local office (see RIC-66 “Addresses and Telephone Numbers of Regional and District Offices of Industry
Canada”) or:
Manager, Radio Equipment Standards
Industry Canada
365 Laurier Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0C8
Telephone: 613-990-4699
Fax: 613-991-3961
E-mail: res.nmr@ic.gc.ca