Advanced Operation
Nav Mode
DST Data Display
When the SL30 has received data from an external device, such as a DME sensor, through
the serial port, DST data is added to the Nav recall list. If you aren’t connected to an external
sensor, you will not see this display. If the display of Distance-Speed-Time (DST) data is not
activated, you will be prompted to show the data when you view the DST selection in the
channel recall lists.
109.90 s117.40 99.9 111 0:54 ij
Distance from station in nautical miles
Ground speed relative to station in knots
Estimated time to station in hours and minutes
Enable DST Data Display
1. In Nav mode, press SEL. Then, turn the LARGE knob to the DST Data list.
111.80 s117.40 show dst data?
2. Press ENT to enable the display of DST data. DST information will now replace the Nav information on
the Nav mode display.
111.80 s117.40 99.9nm 111kt 0:54
Disable DST Data Display
1. In Nav mode, press SEL. Then, turn the LARGE knob to the DST Data item.
111.80 s117.40 remove dst data?