Map Page Cursor
and Options
Selecting Map Scales
The map display has 24 available range scales from 120 ft. to 800 mi. (30 mt. to 1200 km).
The map scale is controlled by the IN and OUT keys, with the current scale displayed at the bottom
right of the data window.
To select a map scale:
1. Press the OUT key to zoom out and the IN key to zoom in.
The scale value represents the distance from one end of the scale bar to the other.
Map Page Options
Many features of the GPS 152 are menu driven. Each of the main pages have an options menu,
allowing you to custom tailor the corresponding page to your preferences and/or select special features
that specifi cally relate to that page. The data window, located at the top of the main pages (Except the
Active Route Page), provides a user-selectable layout of various types of useful data. Each data fi eld may
be confi gured to display any one of 27 data options. The data window layout may also be changed to
display additional data fi elds and change the actual size of the data displayed.
The GPS 152’s Map Page provides access to functions and features relating to the Map Page and
the layout options.
To display the Map Page options:
1. Press MENU.
To select a menu option:
1. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the desired option and press ENTER/MARK.
The available options are Full Screen Map On/Full Screen Map Off, Measure Distance, Loran TD
On, Big Numbers, Change Data Fields, and Confi gure Map. Following are details on using each of
these options.
Creating New Map Waypoint
Map Page Options