Map Page Options
• Full Screen Map On/Full Screen Map Off — toggles between a Map Page without or with data
fi elds on the map display.
To maximize the map/show data fi elds:
1. Highlight the ‘Full Screen Map On’ option and press ENTER/MARK. The Map Page will now be
maximized with no data fi elds.
2. To show the data fi elds again, press MENU, highlight ‘Full Screen Map Off’ and press
• Measure Distance— allows you to measure the bearing and distance between any two points on
the map display.
To measure the BRG/DIS between two points:
1. Highlight the ‘Measure Distance’ option and press ENTER/MARK. An on-screen pointer will appear
on the map display at your present position with ‘ENT REF’ below it.
2. Move the cursor to the desired reference point (the point that you want to measure from) and
3. Move the cursor to the point that you want to measure to. The bearing and distance from the
reference point will be displayed in the data window at the top of the display.
4. Press the QUIT key to fi nish.
• Loran TD On/Off— allows you to toggle the position coordinate format between latitude/longitude
and Loran TD (Time Delays). For setup of Loran TD, see pages 66-67.
• Big/Small Numbers— allows you to change the text size and number of data fi elds that will be
displayed. Big Numbers will display 3 data fi elds with larger text and Small Numbers will display 4 data
fi elds with smaller text: You may confi gure a unique set data fi elds for each setting
To toggle between Big Numbers and Small Numbers:
1. From the menu, use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the ‘Big Numbers’ or ‘Small Numbers’
option and press ENTER/MARK.
Measuring Distance/Bearing
(Full Screen Mode shown)
Small Numbers
(4 fi elds)
Big Numbers
(3 fi elds)