
Active Route Page
Active Route Page
Whenever you have activated a route in the GPS 152 system, the Active Route page shows each
point (waypoint or map item) of the active route, with the point name, distance and choice of Course,
ETA, Fuel (to point), Leg Distance, Leg Fuel, Leg Time, Sunrise and Sunset at point location, or Time
To point for each point from your present position. The current destination point, the ‘active’ point,
is marked with an arrow icon. As you navigate a route, the waypoint list will automatically update
to indicate the next ‘active ’ point fi rst. The Active Route and Route Review pages share many of the
same features and options.
The following route options are available from the active route page:
• Edit on Map— see page 45 for instructions.
• Add Waypoint— see page 46 for instructions.
• Remove Waypoint— see pages 46 for instructions.
• Invert— see page 47 for instructions.
• Plan Route — see page 47 for instructions.
• Re-evaluate— recalculates and reactivates the current route data.
Re-evaluate— reactivates the current route and selects the route leg closest to your current position as
the active leg. The active leg defi nes the current ‘from’ and ‘to’ waypoints.
To Re-evaluate an active route:
1 From the Active Route page, press MENU.
2. Using the ARROW KEYPAD, highlight ‘Re-evaluate’ and press ENTER/MARK to recalculate.
Active Route Page
Active Route Page Menu Options